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'ii1 WiOw the emount of.r wid tutt hrz to be covered before r-, full und rpasoned ertimute of Ae contrib., tion can be iven. rchev of I e Rossi, 7unz uw SteiziEchneider reveslee the extertt off hie tork in titis tield, His -, 'Pme at, e poet hor, c mpletely overzhudoved his vkili to cil exejete. tion from echoltrs, even cince the initiel reuer. 1ý 1-chrifteti., iýure 3Uo, CjUo The -Li_ble Commentprj, Lp 2f I=, entapl- of Rog ne The bible covmenter-tes of lmrziiu, -l of ', omp t&ave receivcd count atter. ciecom abvubitten, vvuc w: Lr jenem etv'e-t ru viel bethen. ý encu zu kennen, 'y4r dur-'ten uns vielloicht bewe, ý, en fdhlen. ODJT1QN "Allein wir eennen aur Immunuel, den, eniplen Pichter wire es. **sees zo 0 Trwa-lations (of vel-oted )ýescnýeý) V- Index of -omes und Yorke cited. IT a(f r1blioe, re-vhýr Summar, v of the Contents of the Text. 'fording me 80ceDs to nnoillai-j meterial.ĥ Y- Contents. Ldine, me vath copies of bpoic aziuscripts And to the British Lluccum, London, t4he Bodleiian Library, Oxf, )reý, the library of the 7, Iebr v. f-rxg- OT ' the Jfý-vish Theolotical Seminary Library, ', *'ew York, for, rov.

D-urie FeOder IM deepli indebte to Tj'r- Cipverelle if thp Diblioteer Pelptina 01 Verme, Fnd to Professor Eehiv. rezýs my eýratitude to the follo'winji Afor their prficticel help emd interent duri% tlip lr-), reas of this rorkt The Union of Liberr-I end ProVrecsive S, y ne4ýoeues The Ceatrel Reserroh Fund of the University of London 1'rofeccor S. The Yhole provides an Lazijht in the LrovAh of philorodhical Bible commentery, und throws light On the mentel oullook of one of the 1, ref: t almink leaders Of the Rome JeviEh com aunity in the Middle Ae, efj.Ĥ 3 ýa lu " O'W I P, 6, LIR ent a I shoald like to e. Er4, lizh trunslutions of tue more difficult paesebes ere eppendedl ri-nd s brie-f su=ary of the rzn, Or elements in the telt is t iven- The Introduction Gives for the first time r full list of n1l the ranucorijar of Im-anuelle cqm-f, nt%, ries to the Bible# end a ariticel estimpte is attempted of Immaiiuelfs use of hir4ource material.

wid-bbck- j, r3und,f his philosoý)hictl and scientifig, appropch to the Bible, end pl&ae hia in the history, of medieval Jewith exeeesis. Com, prehensive notep are added vhich ctteupt to trace Immanuellz sources, elucidate the fo=. The text ic accomputnied v4th r criticel epparttus chowine, the differenoes betzeen the two manuccripts. (, and the other from the Bibliotece Paletina di Parma. Theýdition As based on two zeauzorijetes- one from the library- of the Jevich Theolo&, ical Fei, Jnr-ryj New Yor. (Chapter I wee edited and published d rint the preparation of this -thesip-býr-prrnco 1: ichelini Tocci, Roma, 1963A). et it presented for the first time a critical editionathe Co=entarj to chepters Il -X of Genesic of Immanuel ben Solomcxn of Rome.

Introductloal Hebrew text vnd notes, (rdited from tro mnnurcripts) by rovid ýoldsteiri COLLEGE LONDON LIBRARYģ 2. 1 ST COPY AVAILA L Variable print qualityĢ TITLE 1AG-i The Co=eutary of Immanuel ben Solomon of Rome T- Qn chupters I-X of Genesis.